Shire Network News #97
Shire Network News #97 has been released. The feature interview is with American academic, Professor Deborah Lipstadt, about the resurgence of anti-semitism worldwide, and why it’s not just Jews who should be afraid.. Click here for the show notes, links, and ways to listen to the show; directly from the web site, by downloading the mp3 file, or by subscribing with your podcatcher of choice.
Below is the text of my commentary segment.
Hi, this is Doug Payton for Shire Network News, asking you to “Consider This”. In a recent video, Al Qaeda’s number 2 guy, Ayman Zawahiri, warned of impending doom, praised jihadi fighters, offered his “reflections” on the status of Iraq, Egypt and elsewhere, and even cracked a joke. Looks like he’s trying to connect more with the common man while still bolstering his jihad creds. More of a kinder, gentler hate, or, if you will, compassionate crusaderism.This was a well-produced video, with Zawahiri sitting in front of a studio background rather than the typical camouflage sheet. But however good it looked, it wasn’t professional. A piece of paper on the desk in front of him was easily visible and what video experts have been able to pull from that shows that this is not the last we’ll see of a softer presentation and more engaging content. So then, from the home office in Camillus, New York, and avoiding any copyright violations, here are the top 9 ideas Ayman Zawahiri has for the next Al Qaeda video!
Number 9: Instead of usual headgear, hire US Presidential candidate John Edwards’ celebrity hair stylist.
Number 8: Offer a free “I (heart) O B L” T-shirt to the first 5 callers to the throw-away cell phone number on the screen.
Number 7: Audition his band “Ayman and the Masked Gunmen”, singing “Global Warming from the War on Terror”, for a spot in Al Gore’s Live Earth concert.
Number 6: Appeal to conservatives by introducing “No Infidel Left Behind…Alive”.
Number 5: Appeal to liberals with their “socialized ammunition” policy.
Number 4: Get Michael Moore to produce next video. Working title: “Nutso”.
Number 3: Paris Hilton in a burka.
Number 2: Issue a fatwah against that Brian guy from the Shire Network News podcast.
And the number 1 idea Ayman Zawahiri has for the next Al Qaeda video:
Preview his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech. (Heh, well, if Yassar Arafat could win one…)
And now, back to Brian.
Filed under: Judaism • Podcasts • Religion • Shire Network News
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