No, not that D.A.R.E. I’m talking about Democrats Against Renewable Energy.

The Cape Cod Commission in Massachusetts Thursday denied Cape Wind’s application to bury electric cables needed to connect its proposed 420-megawatt offshore wind farm in the Nantucket Sound to the state power grid.

Cape Wind said in a release that it would challenge the Commission decision. The Cape Cod Commission is a local organization created by the state in 1990 to manage growth and protect Cape Cod’s natural resources.

Sen. Ted Kennedy and many residents who own coastal property from where they could see the wind turbines on a clear day oppose the project along with some environmental groups concerned about disrupting the patterns of migratory birds and the potential effect on local sea life.

The project’s supporters, who include other environmental groups, meanwhile claim it would provide renewable energy, improve air quality, lower electricity costs and increase the reliability of the power grid.

This has been going on for years, with other Leftists such as Walter Cronkite, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. opposing it, and indeed coming out in favor of “Big Fish” (if I may coin a term). I covered it back then (here, here and here), and apparently nothing has changed in 4 years. They want you to support renewable energy, but don’t put it in their backyard, or in their view.

Thanks for the example in “liberal leadership”, guys.

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