Looks like “Uncle Wa…
Looks like “Uncle Walter” has realized the error of his ways…maybe.

The about-face by Mr Cronkite, 86, acknowledged the charges of “Nimbyism” but also added new passion to the debate raging over the wind farm.

Mr Cronkite, who has a house on Martha’s Vineyard, stopped short of backing the wind farm outright. But he announced last week that he would wait for a government report before making up his mind.

“As an ardent environmentalist I have been uneasy about my strong statement that did not include my belief that wind power must be harnessed,” he said after meeting the head of the company behind the farm, Cape Wind Associates.

So Mr. Cronkite’s support for renewable energy is based on how close it is to him and the results of a government report. How reassuring for all those folks who believed his extolling of its virtues.

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