Christmas Eve
On Christmas Eve, we have a number of traditions that are a combination of things from my family, from my wife’s family, and some we started. There’s typically a Christmas Eve service at the church. This year my 3 youngest are reciting Luke 2:1-20 — the Christmas story — while kids from the children’s choir are acting out story itself. When we return, we’ll open up one gift each, although which gift is usually determined by other — you don’t get to pick yourself — so it’s not going to be that big thing in the corner.
This year we’re reading a portion of the sermon that our pastor preached this past Sunday called "The Fullness of Christ". The question is asked over and over, "Have you received from Him lately?" It starts out this way:
He is full of grace. He is full of compassion. He is meek and lowly of heart. He is a friend of sinners. He is familiar with suffering. He is a wonderful counselor. He’s a father to the fatherless and a husband of widows. He is the father of compassion and the God of al comfort. Yes, He is full of Grace. Have you received from Him lately?
Each paragraph highlights a characteristic of God from which we can receive from His fullness; His provision & care, His wisdom and revelation, His forgiveness & redemption, and His full life. But the question always is; have you received from Him lately.
In this world we’re often asked, "so what have you done for me lately?" God wants us, desires us, to ask ourselves, what have we received from Him lately? He has so much for us that he wants to give us if we’ll only ask.
The last thing we do before heading to bed is play Mannheim Steamroller’s "Silent Night". Before I play it, I ask folks to think about those who are far from home on this night; missionaries, soldiers, people on the road. Also, think about those we may be missing on this particular night; family and friends that are away from us. It’s a time to remember those not present on this night, and to ask God to watch over them wherever they are.
Enjoy your Christmas traditions. Sometimes they’re silly (e.g. my previous Christmas Adam post) and sometimes they’re sacred. Enjoy your time with your family and friends, and make sure that Jesus is there with you in everything you do, silly or sacred. He’d love that.
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