The Washington Times…
The Washington Times is reporting…

John Kerry’s own wartime journal is raising questions about whether he deserved the first of three Purple Hearts, which permitted him to go home after 4½ months of combat.

Mr. Kerry has claimed that he faced his “first intense combat” that day, returned fire, and received his “first combat related injury.”

A journal entry Mr. Kerry wrote Dec. 11, however, raises questions about what really happened nine days earlier.

“A cocky feeling of invincibility accompanied us up the Long Tau shipping channel because we hadn’t been shot at yet, and Americans at war who haven’t been shot at are allowed to be cocky,” wrote Mr. Kerry, according the book “Tour of Duty” by friendly biographer Douglas Brinkley.

If enemy fire was not involved in that or any other incident, according to the Military Order of the Purple Heart, no medal should be awarded.

But your humble blogger mentioned this back on the 18th.

Advantage Considerettes (and WorldNetDaily)!

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