Now please understan…
Now please understand that John Kerry asked that we look at his record, right? He didn’t say much at all about his 20 years in the Senate, but he spent loads o’ time on his Vietnam service, so that’s the record he’s pushing, and he invites scrutiny of his record. With that in mind…

WASHINGTON – In a letter to television station managers they hope to convince to air their blistering 60-second commercial opposing John Kerry for president, the Swift Boat Vets for Truth reveal new details of their politically sizzling charges against the candidate who made his war experience the cornerstone of his convention acceptance speech.

Attempting to bolster their accusations that Kerry misrepresented slight injuries to win Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star, the vets cite a March 13, 1969, incident for which the young lieutenant was decorated.

Two injuries – a small bruise on his right arm and a minor injury to his buttocks – won Kerry his Third Purple Heart and a trip home. However, the vets say, the wound to his buttocks was self-inflicted and should never have received Purple Heart consideration.

Read on details and more revelations. No Democrat should be balking at this scrutiny, because, as I said, Kerry specifically asked for it. Most of us would rather concern ourselves with current issues, but Kerry didn’t go there. If you set the terms of the debate, don’t complain when your opponents meet you on your terms.

Robert Novak has read the book in full, and gives his opinion on the topics as well.

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