I’ve often noted the…
I’ve often noted the intellectual disconnect in folks who think that Bush is both a dunce and an evil genius. In a post at NRO’s “Kerry Spot”, we find this quote from Tucker Carlson yesterday: “If you listen to the Democrats, George W. Bush is not only a moron who can barely tie his own shoes, but he’s the most brilliant debater in the history of western civilization.”

Now, some of this is raising the bar so that the expected outcome is below what you’ve set people up for; get them thinking he’ll demolish Kerry and when he doesn’t Kerry looks better. The Republicans did this before the Democratic National Convention when they predicted a double-digit bounce for Kerry. So this latest example is simple electioneering on the part of Democrats. No big deal in that regard.

However, I do find it amusing to see how many Democrats swallow this disconnect hook, line and sinker. How can Bush be both verbal bumbler yet master debater? How can he be both stupid and brilliant? How can he be both beholden to Saudi interests yet in bed with Israel? Odd.

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