A mention in the new…
A mention in the newsletter The Federalist by Brian Janiskee of The Claremont Institute brought to my attention the article “The Legend of the Social Liberal-Fiscal Conservative“. In it, Janiskee makes this statement:

The more socially liberal the politician, the more fiscally liberal is the politician. For the most part, a conservative is a conservative and a liberal is a liberal. This is the hard truth.

He backs this up with a comparison of the ratings members of Congress get from the National Right to Life Committee (what he calls a “proxy measure of social conservatism”) with ratings from the National Tax Payers Union (“a proxy measure of fiscal conservatism”). He’s wondering out loud how Arnold Schwartzenegger will govern, since Arnold claims to be this social-liberal-fiscal-conservative animal, but in general I think this is very instructive when it comes to those who claim to be “moderates”.

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