Required reading: “…
Required reading: “Why We Know Iraq is Lying”, by Condoleezza Rice. The “Reader’s Digest” version of the smoking gun. Anti-war protestors and UN member states can no longer say that the Bush administration hasn’t made the case. Key paragraph:

There is no mystery to voluntary disarmament. Countries that decide to disarm lead inspectors to weapons and production sites, answer questions before they are asked, state publicly and often the intention to disarm and urge their citizens to cooperate. The world knows from examples set by South Africa, Ukraine and Kazakhstan what it looks like when a government decides that it will cooperatively give up its weapons of mass destruction. The critical common elements of these efforts include a high-level political commitment to disarm, national initiatives to dismantle weapons programs, and full cooperation and transparency.

The article goes into specifics. Enjoy.

(The NY Times requires free registration in order to read their articles on-line.)

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